简介:Peggy is an Indian girl with an unusual upbringing by a Chinese mother, and is often insulted and bullied by peers in school. One day, Marco from Hong Kong moves in next door, and through some odd circumstances both neighbours find a truce, and eventually, love.
简介:根据真实案例改编,女主角原型来自Ruth Ellis,英国历史上最后一个被执行死刑的女人。 Mary 是一个美丽的金发少妇,有个爱她的丈夫。她在化妆品店做销售员,工作的原因认识了忧郁而英俊的青年Jim,二人坠入爱河,Mary离开了丈夫。但是不久之后Jim迷恋上了一个富婆而离开了她。Mray深爱恋人无法自拔,每天悲痛度日。除夕夜前夕Jim来找Mary,告诉她那个女人要离开他,他一定要去见他不然自己会死,Mary的痛苦留不住他的脚步,他答应除夕夜一定会回来Mary身边,但是Mary没有等到他,只等到了他自杀的噩耗。痛苦的Mary决定为自己的爱人复仇,她枪杀了自己的情敌。。。。。。。
简介:Alex, is a twenty-something year old creative based in Manila. She is out to most people except her best friend- Jess who she has been secretly in love with since they were kids. When Jess discovers the truth about Alex, they are forced to confront the feelings they have for each other.
简介:The third season began on March 14, 2009 with the three-part premiere, Transwarped, and ended on May 23, 2009. This season following the events of Transwarped focused on the Autobots' attempt to reach Cybertron in order to warn the Autobot High Council of Shockwave, who has been masquerading as Autobot Intelligence Officer Longarm Prime. Meanwhile, Megatron, Starscream, Shockwave (who replaces Blitzwing as a main character), and Lugnut plan to use the colossal Autobot Omega Supreme for constructing clones of him (dubbed as Lugnut Supremes, as they appear similar to Lugnut).
简介:《新战神金刚:传奇的守护者》是美国梦工厂公司、World Events Productions公司推出,Studio Mir公司制作的一部美国系列网络电视动画。是日本二十世纪福克斯在1980年代推出的《战神金刚》系列动画的重置版本。 本剧所有角色均源自原版《战神金刚》,人物及背景是二维动画绘制,战斗部分运用CGI三维特效技术。 Four Earth teens - Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge and their mentor Shiro - who become the last line of defense for the galaxy in an intergalactic battle against the evil alien force led by King Zarkon. 千年以来,邪恶的格拉帝国(Galra Empire)对其他星球的征服和毁灭使得整个宇宙深受其害。唯一能威胁并阻止帝国的只有由5个狮型机器人组成的100多米高的机器人战士——被称为“宇宙保护神”的战神金刚(Voltron),他们驾驶员则被称为圣骑士(Paladins)。在阿尔特亚星球被格拉帝国毁灭的前夕,战神金刚被阿尔特亚星球国王阿佛尔分开,以阻止战神金刚落入格拉帝国国王扎肯手中。阿佛尔国王将五狮与女儿阿劳拉的生命之力连接到一起,并将其送到了宇宙的其他位置等待着下一代圣骑士的降临。阿劳拉公主,她的侍从克兰,以及藏着黑狮的阿尔特亚城堡藏匿在阿鲁斯星球上。目前,格拉帝国的征服和寻找战神金刚之路引导着他们向地球所在的太阳系袭来。一队宇宙飞行员:希罗,吉斯,兰斯,皮吉,汉克,发现了蓝狮,并立刻被卷入了格拉人的战争之中。他们见到了阿劳拉公主,称为了新的圣骑士,同时还重新将五狮组成了战神金刚来与扎肯战斗。最终,他们阻止了扎肯的计划,击败了整个格拉帝国。