简介: “ how to get more sex", 通过一系列街头的对比试验(女性胸部大小对男性选择对象的影响,以及男性生殖器大小对女性选择对象的影响,呵呵,大家可以猜一猜,有一个有影响,有一个基本没有影响,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……),还有访谈讲述有趣的性生活观点,感觉非常有趣。还有一个闻体味,猜自己的配偶,呵呵,一个印度老兄把猪的味道当成他老婆的味道了,太搞笑了!!其中也进行了很多实验,比如男性在和女性共事的时候会看他们身体哪些部位多点。其中更是揭示了一个有趣的调查结果:英国每年售出的振动棒比洗衣机还多。
简介:本剧是美国CBS电视台的金牌喜剧,目前已获得1项艾美奖,7项其他各类大奖,包括2项金球奖提名在内的18项各类提名。 Charlie是一个潇洒自由的单身汉,但离婚后被前妻剥夺了几乎一切财产的弟弟Alan带着儿子Jake的突然来访完全打乱了Charlie悠然自得的生活,三个男人一台戏,这下可有得乐了,在全美情景喜剧收视一片低迷的大背景下《Two and aHalfMen》强势出击,夺下该类剧集收视全国第二的骄人战果,不得不让人刮目相看。 好汉两个半的“半个:是因为Jake年纪太小,只能算半个。 主角是兄弟俩,哥哥Charlie是典型的花花公子,非常有女人缘,职业是给广告配乐,很少工作,却能赚大把的钱,穿梭不断的美女和音乐就是他生活的全部。可是Alan的出现打破了他平静的单身汉生活。 Alan离婚后被前妻赶了出来,和兄弟Charlie住在一起。职业是指压按摩师。他的事业一直停滞不前,很喜欢被人称为“医生”,尽管他算不上… Alan的儿子Jake,胖胖的很可爱,虽然年纪小小,也有点好色,无论多少东西都吃得下。大智若愚的性格,让他成为本剧的一大亮点,一点不输给两个成年的男主角。和蜡笔小新有得拼。 几个黄金配角同样不可忽视,让兄弟两个对女人产生阴影的魔鬼老妈,刻薄的前妻,拽得要死的清洁女佣,还有和Charlie共渡一夜之后就跟踪了他两三年的邻居Rose。 故事就在这三个主角和他们周围的女人中发生,很多的客串嘉宾哦,有Sing in the rain里面的女演员,绝望主妇苏珊,Charlie生活中的妻子,Charlie的爸爸老戏骨Martin Sheen...众多名人美女穿梭其间。
简介:在经历了上一次的恐怖袭击之后,由于政府对CTU应对恐怖事件的解决方式不太满意,还是最终决定解散CTU。杰克·鲍尔(基弗·萨瑟兰 Kiefer Sutherland 饰)也因使用酷刑等非法手段来防止恐怖袭击,而受到审查。原本以为自己终将在监狱里度过余生,却因死而复生的前同事托尼(卡洛斯·博纳德 Carlos Bernard 饰)的出现,彻底打乱了杰克现有的生活。托尼希望杰克能与他一起,共同调查又一次在美国大路上展开的恐怖袭击。而随着调查的不断深入,杰克觉得身边的托尼越来越琢磨不透。杰克一直觉得托尼有什么事情没有对他说明白。由于新总统对杰克的信任,所以他们的调查之路虽然危机重重,但是开展得还算顺利。不过,最后杰克终于发现这次恐怖袭击的幕后策划者,原来是一直与他并肩作战的朋友托尼……
简介:Set in 1989, Jake (Harmon), an out-of-work photojournalist who struggles with addiction and a troubled past, takes a job as watchman of a wilderness lodge on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest, alongside veteran handyman Sparky (Granger). Jake sets up a darkroom to develop the photos he shoots, which begin to reveal disturbing premonitions of their future.
简介:The upcoming festive special will see the return of one of the Doctor's biggest and most feared enemies - the Daleks. The Doctor is locked away in a high-security alien prison. Isolated, alone, with no hope of escape. Far away, on Earth, her best friends, Yaz, Ryan and Graham have to pick up their lives without her. But it's not easy. Old habits die hard. Especially when they discover a disturbing plan forming. A plan which involves a Dalek.
简介:Jamez Bond is the lead character in Spoof, a frustrated one, since he's not able to figure out a way to complete his famous sentence My name is..., before getting shot. Yep, this is the news finally, after 50 years, the gun in the gun-barrel sequence shoots our hero and several other challenges will arise, till the sky-fall... Leatherfaze from the Texas Chainzaw Mazzacre and the Alfraid Hitchcock silhouette, from the TV show will face no lesser complications in trying to turn a chainsaw on and in overcoming common fears, because the Master of Suspence will appear to be surprisingly more fearful than the victims in his movies... But he's in good company, since an animated Inspector Clouzeau, from The Pink Panfher's saga title sequence, won't prove to be brave enough in fighting a pink panther that's much wilder than we used to know... Rochy Balboa will show the other characters what it takes to fight your inner enemies, in Rochy vs Ranbo, but won't be prepared for an unexpected ...