简介:飞狼虚构的角色霍克(史特林费洛8231霍克Stringfellow Hawke),身分是飞狼原始试飞员之一,受雇于“某公司”(The Firm,实际上是负责制造飞狼的中情局分处),任务是将飞狼从它的原始设计者,莫飞(查尔斯8231亨利8231莫菲特)博士(Dr Charles Henry Moffett),手中偷回来。因为博士打算把飞狼卖给利比亚。然而成功夺回飞狼的霍克(史特林),却不打算把飞机还给中情局,而是以交出飞狼为条件要求山姆大叔(Uncle Sam,美国的昵称),让“某公司”去寻找他失踪的兄长霍辛金(Saint John)的下落。辛金是在参与越南作战时失踪(MIA)的。系列电视系列剧中也描写到美国政府一直亟于找出霍克(史特林),因为他老是用他藏在内华达沙漠“天神谷”中的新玩具耍得他们团团转。最终大天使与霍克(史特林)之间的交涉终于成立,CIA必须提供美国政府企图逮捕霍克(史特林)的相关情报,并协寻辛金的下落,而相对的,霍克(史特林)也必须适时出动飞狼,为CIA的作战助一臂之力 ……@yakutv.cc
简介:Fifteen year-old Taylor Collins is a golf legacy. The son of a PGA veteran, the younger brother of a PGA rookie, he has all the talent in the world-but wants nothing to do with golf or the pressure of being the next in line. After Taylor purposely blows his tryout for the school team, his disappointed father takes a drive that ends in a texting-while-driving accident and lands him in a coma. Taylor blames himself and, with the guidance of his brother and the prayer support from his mother Jenny and newfound crush Bailey, makes it his mission to get back on the team and become the first freshman in state history to lead his team to a state championship. Faith, hope, and love bring Taylor and his family closer than ever and he learns that the greatest way to honor his father and his God is to embrace the gifts and talents he was given.
简介:In a country famous for its success in international beauty pageants, three young women are fighting to participate in their nation's most celebrated cultural institution. But obtaining a place in the Miss Venezuela contest is no easy task. Women must endure grueling diets, consent to intensive plastic surgery, and find the resources necessary to transform themselves from ordin...
简介:One day, a buffalo that ran away from a butcher’s runs through the whole village. All men of the village run out to catch the buffalo and make a fuss, while the peaceful village is stained with betrayal, violence, and destruction.