简介:The series is a mysterious crime series with a horror twist and is based on the international bestseller by Bavo Dhooge. Styx is a corrupt policeman whose body washes up on the beach. He opens his eyes, but he can't feel a pulse anymore.
简介: A 16 year old Carol is going through a period of major changes in her life. On the one hand, Carol has to deal with her mother's marriage to her new boyfriend and the impending relationship with her future stepbrother. On the other hand, a new school year begins in high school, in which Carol starts her first real relationship and experiences various situations with her long-time friends that also put their friendship to the test. Carol faces the typical challenges of being a teenager and experiences feelings that she has never felt in this form before and learns that the first step to happiness is to know yourself and also to respect your own feelings, even if you are makes one or two mistakes on the way there
简介:Ruthless entrepreneur Crassus is building a new housing estate with no regard for health or safety - which results in Stylax's death. Builder Jason turns up to reveal that he inadvertently m.77mi.cc killed Stylax due to Crassus's disregard for rules and joins with Marcus and Grumio to force Crassus to give them their own property - actually a run-down former public lavatory.
简介:Plebs is described as "a thoroughly modern comedy in an ancient setting."
Rome is traditionally imagined as the home of emperors and senators, generals and gladiators, a dignified theatre of pomp and ceremony. But what about the little guys, the wasters - new to the big city, stuck in office jobs, unable to get the girls?
Plebs follows three desperate young men from the suburbs...
简介:青春充满着无限的可能,年少的我们都为热血的体育着迷过,我们为自己喜爱的队伍呐喊,为耀眼的胜利而欢呼,为无奈的失败而流泪。我们长大了,但我们依然舍不掉那份存在心底为体育而跳动的心。本剧改编自同名热门电影《Friday Night Lights》,以德克萨斯州一个美丽的小镇Dillon为中心,这里深深着迷于全美橄榄球锦标赛,整个小镇的幸福就是橄榄球赛。Dillon最有冠军相 的高中橄榄球队拥有最棒的四分卫明星,和新上任的指导教练ricTaylor。整个球队肩负着小镇的希望,他们身上有压力,但更多的是乡亲们的希望,是一种不可言传的荣耀。关注《Friday Night Lights》,你就能重新找到年轻时为自己学校荣誉热血沸腾的心,你会看到大洋彼岸那使整个美国神魂颠倒动人心魄的运动——橄榄球。@m.yakubd.cc
简介:青春充满着无限的可能,年少的我们都为热血的体育着迷过,我们为自己喜爱的队伍呐喊,为耀眼的胜利而欢呼,为无奈的失败而流泪。我们长大了,但我们依然舍不掉那份存在心底为体育而跳动的心。本剧改编自同名热门电影《Friday Night Lights》,以德克萨斯州一个美丽的小镇Dillon为中心,这里深深着迷于全美橄榄球锦标赛,整个小镇的幸福就是橄榄球赛。Dillon最有冠军相的高中橄榄球队拥有最棒的四分卫明星,和新上任的指导教练Eric Taylor。整个球队肩负着小镇的希望,他们身上有压力,但更多的是乡亲们的希望,是一种不可言传的荣耀。关注《Friday Night Lights》,你就能重新找到年轻时为自己学校荣誉热血沸腾的心,你会看到大洋彼岸那使整个美国神魂颠倒动人心魄的运动——橄榄球。
球队的灵魂人物优秀的四分卫Jason Street队长,令人畏...