简介:西非尚处于后殖民时代,法国政府急于想从非洲大陆抽身。虽然士兵仓皇撤退,但是他们并没有放过玛利亚(伊莎贝尔?于佩尔 Isabelle Huppert 饰)的种植园,因为传闻叛军头目——拳击手(伊萨赫?德?班克尔 Issach De Bankole 饰)就藏身于此。战火被引到了这里,但却赶上咖啡丰收的时刻。玛利亚手下的黑人雇工为了躲避战乱,逃匿得无影无踪。而当初与玛利亚共筑非洲梦的前夫安德烈(克里斯托弗?兰伯特 Christopher Lambert 饰),早已另有新欢。安德烈娶了当地黑人女子,还生养了孩子,并准备偷偷卖掉种植园。家园危在旦夕,玛利亚赫然发现好吃懒做的独生子曼努埃尔(尼古拉斯?迪富修尔 Nicholas Duvauchelle 饰)剃了光头,骑着摩托车,叫嚷着要加入叛军。灼热的土地上,似乎只剩下玛利亚她一个人在战斗……
简介:Felix Grandet reigns supreme in his modest house in Saumur where his wife and daughter Eugenie lead a distraction-free existence. Extremely avaricious, he does not take a favorable view of the beautiful parties who rush to ask for his daughter's hand. Nothing should damage the colossal fortune he hides from everyone. The sudden arrival of Grandet's nephew, an orphaned and ruine...