简介:近未来的地球黄沙遍野,小麦、秋葵等基础农作物相继因枯萎病灭绝,人类不再像从前那样仰望星空,放纵想象力和灵感的迸发,而是每日在沙尘暴的肆虐下倒数着所剩不多的光景。在家务农的前NASA宇航员库珀(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)接连在女儿墨菲(麦肯吉·弗依 Mackenzie Foy 饰)的书房发现奇怪的重力场现象,随即得知在某个未知区域内前NASA成员仍秘密进行一个拯救人类的计划。多年以前土星附近出现神秘虫洞,NASA借机将数名宇航员派遣到遥远的星系寻找适合居住的星球。在布兰德教授(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)的劝说下,库珀忍痛告别了女儿,和其他三名专家教授女儿艾米莉亚·布兰德(安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway 饰)、罗米利(大卫·吉雅西 David Gyasi 饰)、多伊尔(韦斯·本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)搭乘宇宙飞船前往目前已知的最有希望的三颗星球考察。 他们穿越遥远的星系银河,感受了一小时七年光阴的沧海桑田,窥见了未知星球和黑洞的壮伟与神秘。在浩瀚宇宙的绝望而孤独角落,总有一份超越了时空的笃定情怀将他们紧紧相连……
简介:英国C4电视喜剧节目改编的电影,Ali G Indahouse: The Movie is a 2002 movie directed by Mark Mylod starring the fictional character Ali G, performed by the British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen.
The film is the first in a sort of trilogy of films based of Baron Cohen's characters from Da Ali G Show television show, the second being Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nat...
简介:为了应对911之后日益猖獗的恐怖主义,美国总统亨利·阿什顿(威廉·赫特 William Hurt 饰)与西方各国以及阿拉伯国家首脑相约西班牙的萨拉曼卡,将在此缔结全新的反恐同盟。是日阳光明媚,广场人头攒动,不同社会背景之人齐齐聚集,嘈杂万分。阿什顿总统的车队在一片欢呼和反对声中到来,六个月前为保护总统而遭到枪击的资深探员托马斯·巴恩斯(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)冲在最前方,警觉地监视着来自周遭一切可疑之人。谁知,当总统正准备发表演说时,两发子弹击中了他。广场顿时大乱,有人仓皇而逃,有人冲向主席台,有人则趁乱制造祸端。随之而来的爆炸将这美好的一日彻底毁灭。
简介:13岁的吉娜(珍妮弗·加纳 Jennifer Garner饰)充满对大人世界的憧憬。她渴望散发媚惑的女人味,和梦中情人那样约会,得到男孩们的青睐。但这一切都只是她的白日梦,事实上吉娜在异性男孩中间似乎没什么吸引力,并被朋友捉弄了一番。跟邻家哥哥马特(马克·鲁弗洛 Mark Ruffalo饰)大闹一场之后,吉娜已经完全厌恶了这乏味的童年,她要赶快长大成人!
简介:A dirty campaign forces movie star Marvin to flee from reporters and fans. Coincidentally, he immerses himself in the cosmos of the feminist/queer off-theatre 3000. Its boss Frieda is not at all enthusiastic about the superstar at first .
简介:This Christmas, Thunder Mountain Ski Resort is abuzz when celebrity chef Shane Roarke is named the new head chef. Clara Garrison isn't as excited and is instead focused on getting resettled after her failed attempt at opening a big city restaurant. With their paths constantly crossing, will their shared passion for cooking bring them together or will secrets keep them apart?
简介:Gabriella, on a vengeance trail after the aswang hybrid that killed her family, teams up with a team of demon hunters called the Slayers, and with a hybrid killer named Bolo, looking to redeem his humanity. Together, this unlikely troop tangle up with Naga and Gundra, hybrid warlords of the supernatural underworld. In the process Gabriella finds an unlikely partnership with Bol...
简介:Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Their days are black, their nights are blue, and their insatiable thirst for warm, bright-red blood compels the orphaned predators to roam the ill-lit streets of Paris in search of unsuspecting victims to sustain their unholy existenc...
简介:Amelia, who wants to open a year-round Christmas store, bids for a shop lot against Vic, who wants to open a chocolate shop. Rivalry becomes romance when they must work together.
简介:A small town cop has settled into a peaceful existence. He is reunited with a good friend from Canada’s security agency and told to be on the lookout for Russians that have disappeared in his County. The Russians are a group of cyber-terrorists that have infiltrated and are attempting to disrupt the Canadian election. Colt Hanson – with the help of his small force of peace offi...