简介:该剧基于公共记录和Egil “Bud” Krogh、Matthew Krogh合著的《Integrity》一书创作。 故事讲述总统Richard Nixon自己的政治打手、“水门事件”主谋E. Howard Hunt(伍迪·哈里森 饰)和G. Gordon Liddy(贾斯汀·塞洛克斯 饰)如何意外推翻了他们本想竭力保护的总统职位。 Nixon有一支团队“水管工 White House Plumbers”,专门为他收集政敌情报、抹黑对手、阻止内部人士爆料等,E. Howard Hunt和G. Gordon Liddy就是该团队的指挥人。
简介:波吉亚家族第二季如约回归2012春季档。这一次,教皇亚历山大六世的位子看似坐的更牢固了,在他看不见的地方却有更多暗流涌动。新仇旧怨一起来,我在明敌在暗,他还能靠自己的诡诈权术猴得住整个场面吗? 当然教皇的家人将仍然是故事叙述的核心,只不过这个家族的内部斗争也愈来愈激烈。 Cesare (弗朗索瓦·阿尔诺)和Juan(大卫·奥克斯)兄弟反目。Lucrezia(霍利·格林格)在爱和自我中从极端走向极端。别忘了尤利乌斯二世,虽然他当时还没爬上教皇的御座,But it is known,他的野心终将被写入史书,而其中的细节与曲折,恐怕还得各位看官睁大眼睛看好波吉亚家族第二季……
简介:Maya Rudolph is Molly Novak, a billionaire ready to save the world. Loot premieres June 24 on Apple TV . After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 billion settlement. She decides to reengage with her charitable foundation and reconnect with the real world—finding herself along the way. In addition to Rudolph, the Loot ensemble cast is led by stars Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (“Pose”), Ron Funches (“Undateable”), Nat Faxon (“Married”) and Joel Kim Booster (“Sunnyside”). Loot is created, written and executive produced by Yang and Hubbard. Rudolph executive produces, along with Natasha Lyonne and Danielle Renfrew Behrens, through their Animal Pictures. Dave Becky of 3 Arts also serves as executive producer. Loot is produced for Apple by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.
简介:Episode 1 The Eleventh Hour Episode 2 The Beast Below Episode 3 Victory of the Daleks Episode 4 The Time of Angels Episode 5 Flesh and Stone Episode 6 The Vampires of Venice Episode 7 Amy's Choice Episode 8 The Hungry Earth Episode 9 Cold Blood Episode 10 Vincent and the Doctor Episode 11 The Lodger Episode 12 The Pandorica Opens Episode 13 The Big Bang
简介:飞狼虚构的角色霍克(史特林费洛8231霍克Stringfellow Hawke),身分是飞狼原始试飞员之一,受雇于“某公司”(The Firm,实际上是负责制造飞狼的中情局分处),任务是将飞狼从它的原始设计者,莫飞(查尔斯8231亨利8231莫菲特)博士(Dr Charles Henry Moffett),手中偷回来。因为博士打算把飞狼卖给利比亚。然而成功夺回飞狼的霍克(史特林),却不打算把飞机还给中情局,而是以交出飞狼为条件要求山姆大叔(Uncle Sam,美国的昵称),让“某公司”去寻找他失踪的兄长霍辛金(Saint John)的下落。辛金是在参与越南作战时失踪(MIA)的。系列电视系列剧中也描写到美国政府一直亟于找出霍克(史特林),因为他老是用他藏在内华达沙漠“天神谷”中的新玩具耍得他们团团转。最终大天使与霍克(史特林)之间的交涉终于成立,CIA必须提供美国政府企图逮捕霍克(史特林)的相关情报,并协寻辛金的下落,而相对的,霍克(史特林)也必须适时出动飞狼,为CIA的作战助一臂之力 ……@yakutv.cc