简介:The main character is obsessed with gambling. He earns a lot of money on his little weakness - the murder of elderly, but very rich widows. Yes, even ... He did not just kill them. First, he makes love with them, then kills, and after that or eats them, or digs into the concrete.
简介: 这个故事发生在1900年的澳大利亚。主角马修(汤姆·塞立克 Tom Selleck 饰)是一位神枪手,为了应征一则神枪手的广告,他跋涉了三个月来到澳大利亚。在途中,他无意中解救了一位名叫考娜(劳拉·桑·吉亚科莫 Laura San Giacomo 饰)的姑娘,她误认为马修是她的男友。他们一起来到了马斯顿农场,却发现农场主马斯顿(艾伦·里克曼 Alan Rickman 饰)雇佣他是为了让他射杀当地的土著人。 愤怒的马修将马斯顿赶出了房间,但他却遭到了农场手下的痛打,失去了意识。随后,他和考娜被农场手下扔进丛林中,让他们自生自灭。然而,他们幸运地被当地的土著人所救。得知这个消息后,马斯顿高价悬赏马修的人头,并派遣手下追杀他们。在面对马斯顿的嚣张行为和土著人的善良时,马修和考娜开始认真起来,并以冷酷和残忍的方式展开报复行动。二人决定不再被动接受命运,而是以同样的残忍手段回击。
简介:Amy, a young woman is on the run with her young son Adrian from her abusive ex-girlfriend. When the past rises up to haunt them, they must confront the forces threatening them from both outside and in.
简介:Claire and Ryan, a newlywed couple, move into a new house across the country, only to find out that their marital issues are the least of their problems. Unbeknownst to them, Their grim and lascivious landlord has been spying on them from day one.
简介:二战时期,英国皇家空军Peter(大卫·尼文 David Niven 饰)驾驶的飞机即将坠毁,他的战友Bob已经死亡。他联系上了美国波士顿的军事电台,向电台的女兵June(金·亨特 Kim Hunter 饰)交代了他的遗言。随后Peter在没有降落伞的情况下跳了机,落在了一个海上,意外活了下来。更在醒来的海滩上遇到了June,两人坠入爱河。而死去的Bob则去了天国,一直等不到Peter。天国派出了71号管理员来人间找回Peter,而Peter则不想死去。为了活下来,他必须在天国打赢一场官司,他可以挑选一名律师,这些律师都是那些死去的人,例如柏拉图、林肯等人,Peter能否赢得这场官司从而留在人间和June长相厮守呢?
简介:A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, professor Ambro?y Kleks, she develops her unique abilities and also stumbles upon a clue that will help her unravel the biggest secret of the family...
简介:The nightmare was about a demonic possession. A long time ago, there was an evil in a small town and it was jealous of the girl and would never let her go, since the devil loved the girl. One night, the evil raped the girl and she became pregnant. After months the girl could not hide her baby, her father figured her secret out and clapped the girl in irons and locked her room d...
简介:A commercial diver is stranded on the seabed with 5 minutes of oxygen, but no chance of rescue for more than 30 minutes. With access to amazing archive, this is the true story of one man’s impossible fight for survival.
简介:After the paradox destroys time, The Reds and Blues are forced to relive their pasts on loop while Genkins tries to create more paradoxes to help Chrovos escape her new confinement by Donut.