简介:未来世界,为了赢得星际战争,政府从新生儿中严格挑选一批人,从小就进行杀人训练,这些人没有家庭、感情,他们眼中只有杀戮,称为兵人。特德(库尔特•拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)就是这群人中的佼佼者,他经历了数场星际大战,依然屹立不倒。这次政府采用新的基因技术,让婴儿在母体中就接受战争基因的改造,制造了一批改良后的兵人。 为了测试效果,特德和另外两名伙伴被挑选和新兵人凯恩(贾森•斯科特•李 Jason Scott Lee 饰)进行一场较量,结果两名伙伴被打死,而特德因为昏迷被误认为死亡而逃过一劫。他和另外两个伙伴的尸体被扔到了一个垃圾星球。特德在那里遇到了被遗弃的平民,他麻木的心灵在这里滋生了友谊和爱情。当他准备在这里和心爱的女人幸福过活时,政府将这里当成了新兵人的训练场。新兵人们在这里的任务就是杀光所有生物。为心爱的人和伙伴们,特德毅然出战!
简介:居住在加利福尼亚海滨的16岁的美丽少女波碧·摩尔(艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts 饰)家境优渥,衣食无忧。由于母亲早年去世,父亲盖瑞(艾丹·奎恩 Aidan Quinn 饰)对她纵容溺爱,致使她从小个性张扬,无法无天。某天,波碧的嚣张终于惹恼老爹,于是被送到一家英国寄宿学校学习。当然,即使到了异国他乡,波碧桀骜不驯的性格也未作改变,而她的作风自然也引起校内女生们的关注与反感,严格的校规更令她透不过气来。波碧无时无刻不想逃离这个古板沉闷的地方,不过在这段时间,她渐渐意识到自己从前行为的愚蠢,友情也慢慢来到身边…… 本片女主角艾玛·罗伯茨是著名女影星茱莉娅·罗伯茨的侄女。
简介:未来,随着科技的不断进步,人类医学也达到前所未有的高度。当你某个器官患有疾病时,不用担心自己会死于非命,也不必苦苦等待遥遥无期的捐赠器官,只要移植人造器官即可回归正常的生活。当然,天下没有免费的午餐,全新的器官伴随着高昂的购买金,受移植者一旦无法承担这笔费用,将面临被杀害并被夺走器官的悲惨命运。 雷米(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)隶属这家销售器官的联盟公司,他的工作是追杀那些拖延还款的客人。凭借这份冷酷无情的工作,他过着养尊处优的生活。然而厄运突然降临,他因重病移植了联盟的人造心脏,更因无法偿还款项而遭到昔日好友的追杀。猎人和猎物的身份一夜之间对调……
简介:25-year-old Sibel lives with her father and sister in a secluded village in the mountains of Turkey's Black Sea region. Sibel is a mute, but she communicates by using the ancestral whistled language of the area. Rejected by her fellow villagers, she relentlessly hunts down a wolf that is said to be prowling in the neighbouring forest, sparking off fears and fantasies among the village women. There she crosses path with a fugitive. Injured, threatening and vulnerable, he is the first one to take a fresh look at her.
简介:Meek farmhand Sasha and policeman Dima have a fraught relationship. They’re brothers-in-law, travel companions, and—secretly—lovers. Over the course of their journey to visit Sasha’s grandmother, unspoken truths are uttered, intimacy is built, and authenticity is challenged. Although they may be far from the peering eyes of their oppressive society, their relationship teeters on a dangerous precipice. Selected and supported by the IFP Filmmaker Lab and destined to evoke both the breathtaking landscapes of BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN and the tragedy of a Dostoevsky novel, Viatcheslav Kopturevskiy’s auspicious debut drama is an elliptical and much-needed examination of internalized homophobia, repression, and identity in a remote Siberian town.