简介:在经历了一场疯狂的婚礼派对之后,喝的神志不清的艾博(塞巴斯蒂安·贝策尔 Sebastian Bezzel 饰)意外的被警察从酣睡中叫醒,一夜之间,他竟然从一名小镇警察沦为了凶杀案的嫌疑人,他被指控谋杀了名为巴什尔(弗兰西斯·富顿-史密斯 Francis Fulton-Smith 饰),因为在凶案现场,警方发现了艾博随身携带的小刀。 就这样,艾博不得不再一次的为洗清自己身上的嫌疑而展开了对案件的调查,和他一起奋斗的还有他的好友卢迪(西蒙·舒瓦茨 Simon Schwarz 饰)。随着调查的深入,巴什尔的妻子(诺拉·冯·瓦尔茨特滕 Nora von Waldstätten 饰)渐渐浮出了水面,这个美丽又性感的女人隐藏着不为人知的过去。
简介:乔纳森(安德鲁·麦卡锡 Andrew McCarthy 饰)自称是一名艺术家,可在外人的眼里,他不过就是一个从来没有完成过一件像样物品,亦没有一份正式工作的无所事事的穷小子罢了。一次偶然中,乔纳森以一个美女的形象为蓝本制作了一个人体模型,模型的美艳和完美大大出乎了乔纳森的意料,他将此当做他唯一一件成功的作品,甚至深深的爱上了自己所创造出的这个形象。 令乔纳森大为震惊的是,“皮格马利翁的象牙美人”的故事竟然成真,模型有了自己的生命,她是一个来自未来的女子,名叫艾玛(金·凯特罗尔 Kim Cattrall 饰)。模型的复活让乔纳森大喜过望,与此同时,麻烦事也接连发生。
简介:短片改编。 Ready for a night of partying, a group of Black and Latino college students must weigh the pros and cons of calling the police when faced with an emergency.
简介:赏金猎人杰克•沃尔什(罗伯特•德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)为十万美元决定去纽约搜捕芝加哥黑帮头子吉米•瑟拉诺(丹尼斯•法里纳 Dennis Farina 饰)的会计乔纳森•马杜克斯(查尔斯•格罗丁 Charles Grodin 饰)。乔纳森贪污了吉米一千五百万美元,并将大部分钱捐给了慈善机构。杰克本打算带乔纳森乘飞机于周五午夜前抵达洛杉矶,但乔纳森患有飞行恐惧症,二人只好转乘火车。于此同时,FBI探员阿朗佐•莫斯利(亚菲特•卡托 Yaphet Kotto 饰)、吉米的黑帮手下及吉米的竞争对手,赏金猎人马文(约翰•阿什顿 John Ashton 饰)都在追踪二人。杰克与乔纳森险况横出爆笑风趣的旅程究竟能否顺利完成? 本片获金球奖最佳喜剧音乐剧提名及最佳男主角提名(罗伯特•德尼罗)。
简介:In Cecil B. DeMille’s 1920 comedy Why Change Your Wife Gloria Swanson (DeMille’s regular leading lady of this period) as Beth, a respectable and rather prim wife who discovers that husbands don’t necessarily want their wives to be respectable and moral. It’s not that he doesn’t love her; he just wants a little romance in his marriage, and when another woman comes along who offers him the excitement he craves, he inevitably strays. And divorce inevitable follows. Beth then has a sudden revelation – maybe it’s not only true that men like shameless hussies, but maybe it’s also true that shameless hussies have quite a lot of fun. So she decides to transform herself into a sexpot.
简介:1919. After fighting in WWI as a sniper Travis, now a Policeman in the vast empty spaces of northern Australia, loses control of an operation that results in the massacre of an Indigenous tribe. After his superiors insist on burying the truth Travis leaves in disgust, only to be forced back twelve years later to hunt down Baywara, an Aboriginal warrior whose attacks on new-settlers are causing havoc. When Travis recruits mission-raised Gutjuk, the only known massacre-survivor as his Tracker, the truth of the past is revealed and Travis becomes the hunted.