简介:Rainbow is an uplifting, enchanting, magical fable set in Rajasthan that reinforces the belief that life is beautiful. The story revolves around the wonderful relationship between a 10-year old girl Sakina and Chotu, her 8-year old brother who live in a picturesque village nestled among the sand dunes. Having lost their parents to an accident at a very early age, they live with their uncle and aunt. Chotu is blind but he is anything but sad. Happy, precocious and a smart ass, he is the life of the village.Sakina is his eyes, his guide and his best friend. And Chotu is the center of Sakina's universe. As children sometimes do, not truly understanding the consequences, Sakina has promised Chotu that he will be able to see by the time he turns 9 and as always, Chotu believes her unconditionally. On their weekly trip to the neighboring village to see a movie, Sakina sees a poster with Sharukh Khan (SRK) appealing to people to donate their eyes. Sakinais convinced that her reel life hero ... Written by Nagesh Kukunoor
简介:城市中的爱情面貌,特别是以女性为主体所讲述和展示的都市百态。片中的演员都是普通的城市居民,讲述的也都是真实的故事,说它是一部电影,更象是一个调查,一种视角,一种事实的呈现。 Tentato Suicidio 自杀:遭受情变,恋人或未婚夫的遗弃。有部分假自杀的行为,只是希望以此使身边人回心转意,在遭受冷落后,转为真自杀。方式各异,服药,撞车,割腕,溺水…… Paradiso Per tre ore 天堂三小时:舞场三小时,天堂三小时。各种舞步,各种人物形态的交织。巧妙之处恐怕文字难以表述。 Agenzia matrimoniale 婚介:敬业婚介工作者为各色的男人物色合适的老婆。即使是残疾者或者——一个狼人。而贫困的女子为了摆脱困境愿意接受甚至嫁给一个狼人的婚姻。因为,至少她可以衣食有着落。 Storia di Caterina 卡特琳娜式的故事:贫困并且受到驱逐令的女子。带着其私生子到处流浪,走投无路之下,她遗弃儿子。却又因为实在不忍心,而去认领。悲惨却视角冰冷的社会故事。 Gli italiani si voltano 意大利人的回首:街道,各色女子,腰臀轻摆。也许,某个擦肩而过,甚至只是一瞥之下的女子会惹的你不自禁的回眸。或者是因为脸庞清秀,或者因为体态丰韵,或者因为着装出众——这副生动的风情画卷正是基与此。
简介:A Dutch TV journalist finds himself challenging the police, courts, and media as he attempts to uncover the truth about the controversial Deventer murder case.
简介:Hamid’s (8) father has gone missing. His mother Ishrat has turned indifferent towards Hamid and the entire world after the incident. Neglected and lonely, with a heart searching for answers, Hamid star gazes in the hope of meeting his father. The number 786 always bewildered Hamid. One day a teacher tells Hamid that this is God’s number. Using his father’s old mobile phone, after trying different combinations, he finally manages to connect to a person, who he is convinced is God. On the other side is Abhay, a hard-knuckled CRPF Jawaan. Hamid’s phone call, though surprising at first, intrigues Abhay who engages in humouring Hamid. These two, unknowingly and unintentionally, change each other’s world for the better.
简介:一个变态杀手的出现让城市陷入了恐慌之中,杰克(丹尼斯·法里纳 Dennis Farina 饰)和他的心理学家朋友威尔(威廉·彼德森 William L. Petersen 饰)展开了对案件的调查。很显然,凶手的智商极高,因为在案发现场他没有留下任何线索。陷入了僵局中的杰克和威尔决定像汉尼拔(布莱恩·考克斯 Brian Cox 饰)寻求帮助。 汉尼拔是一个臭名昭著的罪犯,目前被警方关押,在汉尼拔的牢房里,狱医发现了一封来自凶手的信,种种迹象表明,尽管身陷囹圄,但汉尼拔和凶手依然保持着联系。通过破解信件上的密码,一个惊人的消息被公之于众,凶手的下一个犯罪目标不是别人,正是威尔的妻子和孩子。
简介:In fourteenth-century England, peasant girl Christine Carpenter is so attracted to a statue of the Virgin Mary that the local priest (who lusts after her) suggests she be walled up in the church as an anchoress, a holy woman with responsibility for blessing the villagers. But when the priest has Christine's mother tried as a witch, she digs herself out of her cell, a crime for which the punishment is death.
简介:太平洋战争初期,美军将兵力投入欧洲战场,无力挽回菲律宾战事,导致一万名美军、六万名菲军在巴丹半岛被俘。日军一直残酷对待这些战俘,军部更于1944年一月决定屠杀俘虏,这部电影,讲述的就是发生在44年一月四天中的故事。 游骑兵上尉普林斯分属幕西中校的队伍,他们接受了在麦克阿瑟将军北上过程中营救某战俘营里500名美军的任务,由于日军对待战俘毫不留情,此次行动必须高度隐秘。同一时间,战俘营中的少校吉布森(约瑟夫•费因斯 Joseph Fiennes 饰)正艰难的为生存和获取外界信息而努力,虽然当地有护士玛格丽特等人想法设法为战俘提供帮助,但缺药的状况一直存在。为执行屠杀命令,宪兵军官长井接管了战俘营,而战俘营外,游骑兵战士们经过秘密行军终于抵达了目的地,营救成败,很快就要揭晓……
简介:著名同志喜剧“外出就餐”已成为像“美国派”一样的品牌系列。本集主角是眼睛大大的男生凯西(丹尼尔·斯凯尔顿 Daniel Skelton 饰)。他刚搬来小城,和前两集的放荡同人女蒂凡尼(丽贝卡·科芡 Rebekah Kochan 饰)一见如故,被后者哄去同志社区中心做志愿者。在那里他遇到了型男扎克(克里斯·萨尔瓦托 Chris Salvatore 饰)。凯西觉得自己不会是扎克喜欢的类型,但芳心难奈下决定网聊搭讪,而蒂凡尼慷慨的出借前男友——脱衣猛男莱恩(迈克尔E.R.沃克 Michael E.R. Walker 饰)的照片和档案。凯西顺利的让扎克爱上了这个拥有虚假外表的自己,但他没有意识到真正打动扎克的是他的兴趣和梦想。莱恩的意外回归将所有谎言踢爆,凯西想挽回扎克对他的感觉,于是毅然报名参加同志社区的慈善义卖......