简介:Five Spec Ops, Alpha Squad, head a simple Recon Mission that turns into an all out war for survival against a wave of undead experiments. Alpha Squad must fight, not just for the sake of their own survival, but the fate of the world.
简介:When Tory Coro turns up dead, the neighborhood turns up silent. Rumor has it she became yet another victim of the small town known as FIGHT VALLEY. Tory's sister Windsor moves to town to begin her own investigation on her sister's mysterious death after weeks of no leads from the police. She's quick to learn that Tory fought for money to make ends meet. If girl-next-door Windsor is going to make her way into FIGHT VALLEY to find the truth about Tory, she's going to have to fight her way in. Jabs (Miesha Tate) swore she would never throw a punch in the Valley again. Jabs now finds herself training Windsor to survive the painful, unexpected path she's about to take. Every corner. Every alley. Every doorway. She must follow the last footsteps of her sister in order to come face-to-face with Tory's killer in FIGHT VALLEY.
简介:Loving girlfriend, family fortune, breakout movie role he's got it all. Until an app awakens a powerful new yearning. While in Rome to shoot his first movie, Niccolò becomes obsessed and sent into a self-destructive spiral.
简介:肥胖的姑娘茱莉亚(艾丽森•汉妮根 Alyson Hannigan 饰)长久以来得不到爱神的眷顾,眼看一生要在家里的餐馆中做服务生度过。她古怪的家庭:希腊黑人父亲、印度母亲和一个日本妹妹不看好茱莉亚的婚姻,然而,一个英俊的顾客格兰特(亚当•坎贝尔 Adam Campbell 饰)再度激发了茱莉亚的爱火。茱莉亚找到神通的矮人红娘,在后者帮助下摇身一变成为窈窕淑女,又借助电视相亲节目成功与格兰特牵手,两人的关系进展迅速,不久发展到互见家长谈婚论嫁的地步。此时,格兰特性感撩人的前任女友安迪(苏菲•蒙克 Sophie Monk 饰)突然出现,并且怀着要将格兰特夺走的野心。情场如战场,昔日的胖妞茱莉亚怎样才能完成梦寐已久的幸福婚礼?
简介:Antonio 跟 Paolo 同居於柏林,生活美滿,兩人決定結束愛情長跑,結婚共渡餘生,不過他們其中一個還未向親友出櫃、另一個則跟媽媽再沒往來。為了得到家人的祝福,他們只好飛返意大利家鄉宣告婚事,同行的還有他們的喪爆房東和室友。一趟意大利旅程,引發軒然大波!七國咁亂,難關重重,要怎樣才能成就百年好合的幸福終局?改編自2003年首演的外百老匯同名音樂劇,浪漫惹笑,勇奪意大利票房佳績,笑爆戲院,叫好叫座。
简介:Diego is 17 and is full of life, yet fragile. His best friend Antonio knows and indulges his weaknesses, but he would also like to see him strong and masculine. One night they meet Maria, a breezy natural beauty. To show that he is a real man, Diego, is ready to do anything, even to force himself to do things he would never have wanted to do. Written by The Open Reel
简介:卡尔·韦弗(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)人到中年,中年危机如约到来——妻子艾米丽(朱丽安·摩尔 Julianne Moore 饰)提出离婚,令他面对儿女不知所措。重回情场的卡尔发现自己已经脱离男欢女爱的时代了,幸而遇到泡妞高手雅各·帕尔默(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰),帮他重整行头,教他当今最时髦的方法俘获女人芳心。卡尔重战情场了,反而是雅各遇上感情烦恼,他遇见一个叫汉娜(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)的姑娘,令他发现真爱原来和招数、游戏根本无关,他不再在意是否“泡到”她,宁愿和她聊一整夜。女人缘变好的卡尔渐渐发现家庭仍是自己最大牵挂,雅各渐渐发现自己愿意为汉娜放弃花花公子的日子,加上卡尔13岁的小儿子也开始情窦初开为爱烦恼,爱有多疯狂,又有多愚蠢,在汉娜邀请雅各回家吃饭的那刻,终于见了分晓……