简介:Night Falls in India tells the story of Ricardo (Juan Diego) and Dana (Clara Voda). Ricardo decides to travel overland to India, as he used to do in the old days, when he brought hippies to the East with his van, crossing Europe, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. But the situation is very different now. Ricardo has been in a wheelchair for the last ten years, suffering from a degenerative disease now in its final stage. He wants to die on the banks of the Ganges River and meet Gadhali again. In this journey, he is accompanied by Dana, his Rumanian housekeeper. Life owes something to these two lonely beings. The journey will become the alibi for paying it off. Night Falls in India is a shining road-movie full of life that uses journey as an excuse to tell a story about love and the passing of time, about the importance of the present and the need to recover lost time; a story in which the journey itself is as important as the arrival.
简介:夏安(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰)是一名退休的摇滚乐手,富足和闲适的生活让他逐渐失去了往日的精神和锐气。父亲的病危让夏安来到了纽约,虽然没有见到父亲最后一面,但夏安终于找到了未来的目标。原来,夏安的父亲曾经在奥斯维辛集中营中受过虐待,这一段历史一直折磨着劫后余生的老人,而当年的罪魁祸首阿洛伊斯(Heinz Lieven 饰),如今正在美国的某处过着无忧无虑的生活。 必须要找到这个人面兽心的恶魔,这是夏安心中唯一的信念,带着这样的信念,夏安踏上了复仇的旅程。一路上,夏安遇到了许多人,许多事,正是这些人和事逐渐改变了夏安复仇的念头。渐渐的,对于这次旅行的目的,夏安开始迷惘起来。
简介:Five best friends trying to do the right thing in heartlake city, whilst trying to figure out friendships and what's important along the way. 五个最好的朋友试图在中心湖城市做正确的事情,同时试图找出友谊和什么是重要的一路。
简介:At a family funeral, Frank deals up with bottled-up emotions, Maureen befriends with an embalmer, and Bill discovers the last rites can wipe away any sin.
彼得·帕克(Warden Wayne 饰)的前女友不幸身亡,似乎是由于他试图拯救她而造成的,彼得·帕克对于过去的愧疚挥之不去,质疑是否应该永远埋葬来自他的另一个自我的诅咒。当他得知一个身患绝症的孩子寻求与蜘蛛侠见面时,彼得在考虑是否要在他的仅剩之日里去安慰他。
简介:Ainsley (Kelsey Gunn) is a misanthrope who hates people but when she suddenly finds herself in isolation with no one to talk to, she realizes how much she actually misses connection. Enter Ulysses, a dead mouse in a jar. With a little bit of loneliness, a pinch of imagination, and a mouse- sized tuxedo, Ulysses becomes her training wheels in this newly discovered world of frien...