简介:In Truman Kewley's disturbing psycho-thriller debut, a sociopathic amateur film-maker kidnaps the woman he wants to play his fantasy girlfriend role.
简介:从婴儿时被母亲并排的放在便利店门口起,杰(杰森•缪斯 Jason Mewes 饰)与鲍伯(凯文•史密斯 Kevin Smith 饰)这对贱友与便利店的缘分便开始绵延,然而店主不堪忍受两人整日在门外闲晃,报警将他们驱逐。杰与鲍伯坏运气还没完,一部以他们为主人公的漫画改编电影即将开拍,除了片方一分钱也没给他们,网上还充满了对他俩的谩骂与嘲讽,愤怒的二人组决定从新泽西赶赴好莱坞,阻止电影的拍摄。两人于路搭上了动物保护主义者杰斯特等四名美女的顺风车,杰迷恋杰斯特,答应帮助偷窃被用于实验的猩猩,谁知这四名女子实际是珠宝大盗,杰与鲍伯带出猩猩后被警方认定为恐怖主义者。两个人和一只红毛猩猩,在警方围堵中继续向好莱坞前进……
简介:Night Falls in India tells the story of Ricardo (Juan Diego) and Dana (Clara Voda). Ricardo decides to travel overland to India, as he used to do in the old days, when he brought hippies to the East with his van, crossing Europe, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. But the situation is very different now. Ricardo has been in a wheelchair for the last ten years, suffering from a degenerative disease now in its final stage. He wants to die on the banks of the Ganges River and meet Gadhali again. In this journey, he is accompanied by Dana, his Rumanian housekeeper. Life owes something to these two lonely beings. The journey will become the alibi for paying it off. Night Falls in India is a shining road-movie full of life that uses journey as an excuse to tell a story about love and the passing of time, about the importance of the present and the need to recover lost time; a story in which the journey itself is as important as the arrival.
简介:詹姆斯(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)以优等生的身份顺利通过中情局的初期审查,和其它精英学子一起进入训练基地接受特种训练。中情局派出了最有经验的王牌特工沃特(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)来训练这群年轻人。在近乎冷血的各式各样的残酷训练当中,表现最佳的詹姆斯却莫名被淘汰出局。在新人中,女学员莱拉(布丽姬·穆娜 Bridget Moynahan 饰)引起了上层的怀疑。被怀疑是个敌对情报组织派来的卧底。于是,在训练中和莱拉关系甚好的詹姆斯被悄悄安排了反卧底工作。詹姆斯开始刻意接近莱拉,打探情况。但随着两个人的相处,他竟对不知道敌友的莱拉情愫。在国家的荣誉与个人的情感面前,詹姆斯那苦恼的心,又要如何去抉择呢?