简介:13岁的艾米(安娜·帕奎因 Anna Paquin 饰)在一场交通事故中失去了母亲,只好被送到与母亲离异多年的父亲(杰夫·丹尼尔斯 Jeff Daniels 饰)身边。父亲经营着一座农场,整日琢磨各种稀奇古怪的发明,面对已经长大的艾米难免不知所措,二人最初的相处生疏而隔阂。艾米收拾好丧母之痛,也努力适应农场生活,一日在一片树丛发现一窝被遗弃的大雁蛋,她小心将它们捧回家里,并成功孵出一窝小雁,但是出于政府野雁不可以家养的规定,艾米必须要令这些小雁放归自然。父亲想出了奇妙的主意帮助艾米,他动手为她制作了一架滑翔机,让她带着小雁学会飞翔,然后在迁徙季节一路护送“雁妈妈”艾米带领小雁们飞向安大略湖,在这个过程中,一对父女的心也开始紧紧连在一起
简介:查理(哈威·凯特尔 Harvey Keitel 饰)和意大利移民朋友们混迹在纽约曼哈顿的下东区,没有固定职业,靠着替黑手党卖命混口饭吃。查理的好友乔尼(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)欠了黑市商人迈克尔的钱,却无力偿还,整日被追债。查理与乔尼的表妹特丽莎真心相爱,但是特丽莎希望他能离开这种不稳定的生活,去寻找新生活。迈克尔因为找乔尼要不到钱而恼羞成怒,查理为了帮乔尼摆平此事,承诺他会尽早还钱。在酒吧里,迈克尔发现乔尼已经穷到极致,根本就不可能还钱时,两人扭打在一起。失控的乔尼拔枪瞄准迈克尔,逼退了迈克尔。为了躲避迈克尔的报复,查理、乔尼、特丽莎三人决定躲到乡下去,他们在开车去看电影的路上,一辆汽车从后面追上来。车里正是迈克尔,他拔出手枪向三人的车子开火。汽车被撞翻了,受伤的三人,艰难地从车中爬出,面对茫茫黑夜,他们发出了无望的哭喊。...
简介:From the real life stories that inspired Game of Thrones, delve into a world of dynasties, blood feuds and civil war, where brother battles brother, uncle kills nephew, and cousin executes cousin in the race to decide who wears the bloodstained crown of England. The Tudor dynasty spans little over a century, but it is filled with big personalities and even bigger battles for po...
简介:5150 ELM'S WAY is located at the end of a quiet street in a small town. When Yannick fell off his bike, he knocked at the door of the Beaulieu residence so he could clean the blood off his hands. But Jack Beaulieu and his family had other plans for Ian. Beaulieu is a righteous psychopath and fanatic chess player who wants to rid the world of evil. And even though Ian has done n...