简介:十部必看的希腊电影经典之一。如果想了解希腊文化尤其是音乐此片必看。1984年柏林电影节最佳导演银熊奖。 Considered to be one of the most powerful and emotional Greek movies, Rembetiko focuses on the life of an individual woman,a real person and through her personal story, it retells the story of Greece,from 1920 to 1955the national disaster in Asia Minor,the one million refugees who came to Greece,the World War II,the Nazi occupation,the Civil War.The tragedy and the glory of a nation during the century.And all these bound with the music of rembetiko,the music of the outcasts.Great direction,great performances,great music.A voyage to history of the first half of the 20th century, but also a voyage to the origins of rembetiko.Realistic and dreamy.An original Greek epic.
影片的背景是一个超现实反乌托邦的社会,在那个社会,枪被禁止使用,而一剑封喉才是王道。朗·普尔曼饰演的尼古拉是整个大西直洋东部最有权势的人,他神秘莫测,是一个犯胜罪集团的头目,他制订的铁血规则,所有人都必须臣服。尼古拉的夫人亚利桑德拉(黛咪·摩尔饰)是一个蛇蝎美人,她有着神秘的过去。尼古拉身边共有9名杀手,这些杀手均身着红衣,因而得名“红衣帮”(the Red Gang)。尼古拉最得力的心腹是2号杀手(凯文·麦克基德),他铁石心肠而又巧舌如簧,他的武器是一把致命刀片。当地的公民畏于尼古拉的淫威及其鹰犬的势力,活得胆颤心惊,期待能有一位英雄能够推翻暴君的统治,拯抡救他们于水火之中。
简介:Sibiu ’89 reenacts a lesser-known story about those days of violent civil unrest that led to a bloody confrontation between the army forces and Ceau?escu’s instruments of repression, the Militia and the Secret Police. Following rumours and disinformation about so-called “terrorists” attacking soldiers and civilians, panic and chaos ensue. No one is to be trusted, everyone could...