简介:Two smugglers meet two customs officers at sea, and happen to kill them. The story continues fifteen years later when a son of one of the officers and a smuggler's daughter fall in love with each other.
简介:Though Delluc's career was short-lived, it burst vigorously(7 films in 4 years)that it forever left its imprint on french cinema history, and they rightly honoured him by giving the annual Prix Delluc to the best French film of the year. He was responsible for the creation of influential cinema journals like Le Journal du Ciné-Club and Cinéa, founding numerous film societies, writing countless articles and coining the term cineaste. Delluc believed that films should be set in the natural without elaborate posturing, and characters should be portrayed in an intimate way where the past and present, illusion and reality can be correlated, all considered to be avant-garde at its time. He died only a few weeks after the shooting of The Flood at the age of 33.
简介:在一个英语学习班上,法国姑娘奥迪尔(安娜·卡里娜 Anna Karina 饰)认识了两名男子阿瑟和弗朗茨,他们是两个着迷于美式文化的年轻人,向往着惊险的传奇故事。奥迪尔很快就被风流的阿瑟吸引,渐渐地爱上他,他们三人开始常常混在一起,坐在敞篷跑车里兜风。 奥迪尔寄宿在一所豪华大宅里,她告诉弗朗茨,这所屋子里存放着巨额现金。阿瑟和弗朗茨便策划着要入屋行窃,后来奥迪尔想要退缩,然而阿瑟他们坚持要行动,并计划好了具体时间。到了那一天,事情却进行得并不顺利,奥迪尔一而再地要求他们取消行动,但是阿瑟表示明天再来,甚至动手打了奥迪尔。第二次的行动,会带来怎么样的灾难性后果?
简介:前东德最好的一部超现实主义幻想剧! this is one of the most amazing looking,surreal films of all time and i only recently acquired it on video.it was just as good after fond childhood memories of it.highly recommended,with great special effects,and stunning set design,and vivid colour and cinematography.buy with confidence! This is as you remember watching it as a child. Lifelike, overtly coloured and full of magical splendor, terrifying nasties and surreal characters. In short, do not shy away from this opportunity to show a Christmas Special to your children in favour of the usual fare from Disney and co. Rather, pop a fresh batch of pop corn, get first dibs on the comfy chair and opt for what was arguably one of the highlights of East German children's programming.
简介:故事发生在风景如诗如画的阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯。卡洛斯(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰)是一名剧作家,因为创作过几个成功的剧本而拥有着不小的名气。卡洛斯和妻子西西莉亚(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)结婚多年,两人之间的感情一直十分恩爱。西西莉亚是一名记者,在业内小有名气,她和卡洛斯一直被朋友们视为一对金童玉女,十分相配。 然而某一日,因为所撰写的新闻稿触痛了当局者敏感的政治神经,西西莉亚被秘密的抓紧了集中营中。妻子生死未卜,卡洛斯陷入了绝望和痛苦之中,他愿意付出一切代价,让妻子重新回到他的身边。奇怪的是,自打西西莉亚失踪后,卡洛斯发现自己获得了一项特异功能——能够通过那些和西西莉亚一样遭到秘密逮捕的人们的照片中发现他们的下落。
简介:基于Karlene Faith 所著纪实文学《The Long Prison Journey of Leslie van Houten Life Beyond The Cult》和Ed Sanders所著小说《The Family》,讲述在震惊世界的曼森谋杀案发生后,三位曼森家族的成员Leslie Van Houten, Patricia Krenwinkel和Susan Atkins被判终身监禁,研究生Faith被派去监狱对她们进行教导,三人将重新审视噩梦般的罪行。
简介:Lynn and Lucy are life-long best friends, their relationship as intense as any romance. Neither has ventured far from where they grew up. Lynn, who married her first boyfriend and whose daughter is fast growing up, is delighted when the charismatic, volatile Lucy has her first baby boy. Lucy, however does not react to being a mother as Lynn expects. Soon, they find their friendship is tested in extreme circumstances.