简介:A coming of age romance for anyone who's ever had a crush. Since high school, Stan and Jenny have had crushes on each other. They wrote letters to one another over school holidays but in person they barely spoke; sharing only the occasional lingering glance and smile. Over the years they fantasized about how perfect they would be as lovers. Ten years later they bump into each o...
简介:A developmentally delayed 40 year old man named Shonzi is sent to live with his brother Todd. But when Shonzi develops a crush on Todd's new girlfriend Lindsay, he threatens to reveal past secrets that could ultimately tear the couple apart.
简介:盖布拉瑞(克里斯蒂娜·米利安 Christina Milian 饰)刚刚结束了一段失败的恋情,成为了被甩的哪一方,祸不单行的是,她在旧金山的设计公司也因为经营不善而关门大吉了。事业和爱情受到双重打击的盖布拉瑞只能够依靠酒精来排遣内心的郁闷。
一次偶然中,盖布拉瑞参加抽奖活动,竟然获得了一间位于新西兰乡间的旅馆的所有权。坐上了飞机飞行了数千公里,盖布拉瑞终于见到了这座属于自己的旅馆,然而这间破破烂烂的房子让盖布拉瑞失望透顶。于是,盖布拉瑞决定和名叫杰克(亚当·迪莫斯 Adam Demos 饰)新西兰承包商合作,将旅馆翻新并且出售,在此过程中,盖布拉瑞遇到了很多令她啼笑皆非的意外。
简介:野草、毒品、叶子、大麻,随便你怎么称呼它,美国与大麻的关系总是很复杂。在嘻哈先锋法布·5·弗雷迪(《Yo! MTV Raps》)的导演处女作中,他从一个空前的视角展现了在大麻战争中带有种族偏见的历史。史努比狗狗、Cypress Hill 的 B-里尔和达米安·马利加入名人和专家的行列,讨论了大麻对音乐和流行文化的影响,以及大麻引起的犯罪对黑人和拉丁美洲社区造成的毁灭性影响。随着越来越多的州加入大麻合法化的行列,《印度妙草》深入研究了在日益增长的大麻市场中越来越明显的种族差异。
本片采访了史努比狗狗、Cypress Hill 的 B-里尔和森·道格、DMC、道格·E·弗雷什、查克·D、达米安·马利和基勒·迈克等人。
简介:In Greta Thunberg’s wake, the young have commenced an unrelenting struggle to save our planet. At the front of these corteges, and making headlines in the media as well as on social networks, young women have become the movement’s figureheads, sometimes in spite of themselves. The film follows young activists around the globe Anuna and Adélaïde (Belgium), Luisa (Germany), Léna (France), Leah (Uganda), and Mitzi (Philippines). A picture emerges of a course shared by “sisters in arms” who are driven by hope, commitment, and exceptional ideals.