简介:In this third installment of the hit Nazi Zombie action horror movie, Outpost: Rise Of The Spetnaz, we discover the horrifying origins of these supernatural soldiers and see them in ferocious gladiatorial battle against the most ruthless and notorious of all military special forces: the Russian Spetsnaz.
简介:California gold rush, late 1800's: A gun slinging bounty hunter (Mortimer) travels deep into the mountains to find a deadly Apache warrior (Brother Wolf) who is wanted by the law. Along the way he passes through a gold mining Town. The miners help direct Mortimer to the Apache and send him on his way.
Mortimer enters the forest and begins to track the Apache. Back in town, the ...
简介:2012年9月19日,全世界数一数二的自行车展INTER BIKE在美国的拉斯维加斯开幕。而一场酝酿已久的风暴在拉斯维加斯著名酒店The Palms Hotel附属的The Pearl Theatre影院爆发。在这个全世界山地车车迷的盛大日子,堪称自行车电影史上最大投资的电影《Where the trail ends》在这里举办了首映礼!
2012红牛山地史诗大片《Where The Trail Ends Red Bull》 拍摄历时2年,在新疆戈壁、在犹他北部、在阿根廷卡法亚特、在尼泊尔秘境Mustang这些销魂的地方奔腾着。这是一部讲述世界顶级自由山地自行车手的电影,这些雄心勃勃的山地自行车手们在世界各地挑战各种险峻的地形,挑战自己的极限和大自然。
简介:Between quarreling parents, mocking brothers and psychiatric patients, Josse grows up in an unusual environment. No wonder he struggles with feelings of being overwhelmed. A tragicomic celebration of life and its absurdities.
简介:Joba and Quincy are a wealthy Brooklyn couple who value charity above all. But when a friend returns from a country pilgrimage to challenge their bleeding hearts, they accept an invitation that will change their lives forever.
简介:科学家们终于终于发明出了时空穿梭机,为了防止有人利用它回到过去改变历史,一支被称为时空特警的队伍成立了,马克斯(尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰)就是其中的一员。十年前,马克斯的妻子梅丽莎(米娅·萨拉 Mia Sara 饰)死于非命,凶手至今未被捉拿归案,这成为了马克斯的心结。
马克斯决心通过时空穿梭机来调查事件的真相,回到过去的他得知隐藏在幕后的黑手是名叫麦克考姆(马尔科姆·斯图尔特 Malcolm Stewart 饰)的议员,然而此人背景十分复杂,马克斯拿他无可奈何。女警菲尔丁(格劳丽亚·鲁本 Gloria Reuben 饰)成为了马克斯的搭档,跟随他回到1994年,捉拿麦克考姆,哪知道菲尔丁的真实身份其实是麦克考姆的爪牙,马克斯的计划再度失败。