简介:After discovering his blood-soaked daughter dead in the bathtub, David Bryson attends a self-help group to help save him from his ghostly nightmares. But when a group of mysterious cult-like women offer to help him resurrect his daughter. David's choices will not just decide his fate... but the fate of his dead daughter's SOUL.
简介:The film comprises six interconnected stories, one of them co-written with actress-screenwriter Iulia Lumanare. Interestingly, the feature recycles (and completes) The Christmas Gift and another, unreleased short film, New Year’s Eve. One of the protagonists is ?tefan Silvestru, the director of the national television station, who has to deal with a career-ending issue: an actr...
简介:少女葛利叶(斯嘉丽•约翰逊 Scarlett Johansson 饰)家境贫寒,于是来到画家维梅尔(科林•费尔斯 Colin Firth 饰)家做女佣。维梅尔和妻子、岳母一起生活,她们常常摆出颐指气使的神情,妻子对正当青春的葛利叶更是戒心重重。在非常苛刻和压抑的氛围下,葛利叶在维梅尔家过得卑躬屈膝。 维梅尔的画带给了她一点生活的乐趣。她收拾主人画室的时候,流露出了对艺术的天分。她跟维梅尔谈论对画的理解,二人的交心让彼此的情意慢慢滋长。葛利叶知道不可能与维梅尔修得正果,但她愿意做模特奉献给维梅尔作画。她默默地,忍受着维梅尔给她的耳朵打上洞,戴上他妻子的珍珠耳环,画出这一刻的窒息的美丽。
简介:Isaac, and his wife, Tania, are heading to the countryside to help Isaac's estranged father Abe do some projects around the house as an opportunity to try to patch things up.
简介:莉迪亚(Lisa Kudrow 饰)和保罗(Ray Romano 饰)决定告别空荡荡的家,开始新的生活。他们把自己20世纪20年代西班牙风格的别墅挂牌出售了,这座美丽的别墅位于洛杉矶最令人向往的街区之一,一场房地产狂潮也由此展开。多个家庭竞相购买他们认为的梦幻之家,坚信这座房子能够解决他们各自截然不同的问题。莉迪亚和保罗则深知,有时你的梦想之家可能会变成一场真正的噩梦。在保罗和莉迪亚竭力掩盖他们久居的这所房子里潜藏的黑暗和危险秘密的过程中,他们逐渐意识到,逃离过去的唯一办法就是勇敢面对它。
简介: Sarah, a depressed college drop out, must uncover her family's twisted history, and her own greater purpose if she is to defeat the Salem Doll, a monstrous wooden creature that terrorises Sarah and her loved ones.
简介:莉威亚(安娜·加列娜 Anna Galiena 饰)年轻美丽,嫁给了年长28岁的文化权贵卡罗(Antonio Salines 饰),过大的年龄差距,令莉威亚一直在情感和情欲上感到不满足。一次话剧演出,莉威亚认识了年轻英俊的纳粹军官哈罗特(加布埃尔·加科 Gabriel Garko 饰),迅速与他坠入情网。莉威亚的爱浓烈且毫无保留,始终对哈罗特欲火炽热,而哈罗特却只是逢场作戏,贪图她的身体和金钱。这个纳粹军官其实内心深深厌恶和咒骂战争,因此只想从女人身上骗到钱,退役过好生活,但也无法阻止莉威亚的爱和欲望将两人带向毁灭……