简介:电视台女主播安吉拉(珍妮弗•卡彭特 Jennifer Carpenter 饰)第一次出镜有些紧张,因为她要参加一个在洛杉矶某消防局与队员共度夜晚的节目。安吉拉性格热情开朗,所以逐渐融入了这个团队,她不但了解了每个人的个性,而且还迅速成为了他们的开心果。然而,突然接到911的报警电话,安吉拉随这群消防队员来到了出事地点。在这座阴森可怖的大楼里,不时传出女人凄厉的尖叫,当地警方已经封锁了大楼,消防队员试图疏散被困人群,却无意中身陷困境。在隔离的区域,一个女人不知感染什么病毒,残忍地伤害了许多人。眼看着消防队员惨遭不幸,自身难保的安吉拉被逼上了绝路……
简介:Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey, a journey that will lead him to discover that his nightmares hide a shocking truth, something darker and more sinister than he ever imagined.
简介:The protagonist, after years spent in war-torn Syria, decides to return to Italy, to finally put behind his terrible experiences, and regain his life. But in order to do so, he will have to pay a very high price.
简介:When a promised job for Texan Michael fails to materialise in Wyoming, Mike is mistaken by Wayne to be the hitman he hired to kill his unfaithful wife, Suzanne. Mike takes full advantage of the situation, collects the money and runs. During his getaway, things go wrong, and soon get worse when he runs into the real hitman, Lyle.
简介:Looking for a quiet escape a couple rent an isolated lakeside cabin on the anniversary of their daughter's death. They soon find themselves wrapped in a terrifying mystery when a strange woman appears and their every move seems to be monitored by a mysterious local sheriff.
简介:青春靓丽的女子莫丽·哈特莉(莎拉·林德 Sarah Lind 饰)和朋友们在一家舞厅庆祝她的24岁生日,当晚她似乎受到什么神秘力量的蛊惑,整个人变得有些神志不清,无法左右自己的言行。次日一早,两名警察上门,结果在莫丽的浴室里发现两具尸体。在此之后,莫丽被诊断精神上有问题而关进了精神病院。病院的治疗并没有任何好转,莫丽的异状反而愈演愈烈。种种异象,让担任主治医师的女性开始相信这个女孩的确被恶魔附体。与此同时,病院内还住着前牧师约翰·巴罗(戴文·萨瓦 Devon Sawa 饰),他当初经历了一次刻骨铭心的失败驱魔仪式,此刻更被教廷剥夺了神父身份。 医院内神秘可怕的事情愈演愈烈,约翰不得不迎接魔鬼的挑战……
简介:On the rainy night of October 2, 1968, eight characters waiting on a remote bus station for a bus heading to Mexico City start experiencing a strange phenomenon.
简介:律师比利(罗伯特·约翰·伯克 Robert John Burke 饰)是一个体型硕大的胖子,他一直都在减肥,但从来没有成功。作为一名颠倒黑白的律师,他和检察官及法官的暗地勾结让他获得了不小的成功。一次交通意外中,比利撞死了一个吉普赛老妇人。在法庭上,借由职务之便,比利通过非法的渠道获得了无罪判决,对受害者亲人的愤怒和悲痛视若无睹。从此之后,好运似乎降临在了比利的身上,一直以来令他困扰的体重居然开始下降,同时,他还可以毫无顾忌的敞开肚子品尝人间美食。事态的发展逐渐超出了可控制的范围,短短几天之内,比利已变成一个骨瘦嶙峋的苍老男子,并且他的体重仍然在持续的下降,而参与不公正审判的同僚们也都出现了不同的病变,这令他明白,吉普赛人的诅咒并非空穴来风,而为了求生,他必须找到下诅咒的那个吉普赛人,并且请求他的原谅。