简介: 迫于生计,罗莎里奥(凯特·德尔·卡斯蒂洛 Kate del Castillo 饰)不得不离开了自己挚爱的儿子卡利托斯(阿德里安·阿龙索 Adrian Alonso 饰),只身前往洛杉矶赚钱养家。临行前,她将卡利托斯托付给了母亲班尼塔(Angelina Peláez 饰),并允诺一定会回来接他。可几年过去,罗莎里奥似乎里当初的承诺越来越远。 班尼塔的去世让九岁的卡利托斯成为了无依无靠的孤儿,然而,和当地诸多相同情况的孩子们不同,他并没有向艰苦的生活屈服,也没有放纵生活一味堕落,一个坚定的信念支撑着他,他决定要远赴洛杉矶寻找母亲。这漫长的旅途充满了艰险,好在有善良的人们出手相助,这段亲情维系的旅程得以画上了完满的句号
简介:Dante has a beautiful relationship with his girlfriend Alice, but he has a bad one with Time: absorbed by the many commitments of his daily life, he always arrives late and has the impression that his life is flowing too quickly. It also happens on the first day of his forty years, when Dante shows up hours late at his birthday party. According to him, the solution seems at han...