简介:比尔(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰),阿尔文(达纳·卡维 Dana Carvey 饰)和戴夫(乔恩·拉威茨 Jon Lovitz 饰)是三个情谊深厚的好友,阿尔文偷窃成癖,戴夫的聪明才智刚好可以帮他满足自己的癖好,尽管比尔内心善良,但耳根软的他总是经受不住两个朋友的诱惑,登上贼船。 圣诞节将近,三个损友驾车来到了一个宁静祥和的小镇,那里淳朴的风气单纯的居民让他们的犯罪欲望蠢蠢欲动。在轻而易举的抢劫了一家银行后,如何离开被暴风雪困住的小镇成为了最大的难题。一番东躲西藏中,三个倒霉蛋竟然掉到了冰冷的湖水里,幸亏得到了镇上一位善良的年轻人相救,三人才算脱险,巧的是,这个年轻人不是别人,正是他们曾经抢劫过的那家银行的经理。
简介:Kuad and Kai are siblings who are apart from one another since their childhood. Kuad is brought up in a slum and supports his life by playing gambling whereas Kai is with his grandmother. When an accident causes grandmother to be in a coma and need more money for the cure, Kai begins searching for his brother Kuad. Things turn upside down when the siblings reunite to take their chance in a gambling house to get the money for grandmother.
简介:如日中天的华盛顿年轻议员史蒂文•柯林斯(本•阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰)的女助手研究员突然遇害,柯林斯在针对军火商峰点公司的国会听证会上一时失态,致使婚外情曝光,成为众矢之的,只好跑去大学好友兼昔日竞选顾问,《华盛顿环球报》的资深记者卡尔•麦卡弗里(罗素•克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)家暂避。麦卡弗里在调查一起凶杀案的过程中偶然发现死者竟与柯林斯的已故女助手研究员有关。在同事德拉(瑞秋•迈克亚当斯 Rachel McAdams 饰)的帮助下,随着麦卡弗里的调查一步步深入,峰点公司内幕与国会议员的丑闻纷纷曝光。麦卡弗里面对新闻竞争、事件真相、昔日友情与社会公正的多股力量,最后报道究竟何去何从?
简介:Twin Peaks before Twin Peaks (1990) and at the same time not always and entirely in the same place as Twin Peaks Fire Walk with Me (1992). A feature film which presents deleted scenes from Twin Peaks Fire Walk with Me (1992) assembled together for the first time in an untold portion of the story's prequel.
简介:1941年第二次世界大战肆虐时期,德国纳粹入侵苏联。在经历长达4个月的攻坚战无果后,希特勒决定用饥饿和围困的方式夺取列宁格勒。纳粹围城三年,尸横遍野的列宁格勒成为一座死亡之城。 英国女记者凯特·戴维斯(米拉·索维诺 Mira Sorvino 饰)在前线采访时,与她的爱人美国记者菲利普·帕克(加布里埃尔·伯恩 Gabriel Byrne 饰)失散,被困列宁格勒。孤立无援的凯特幸得列宁格勒义勇军女警妮娜(欧嘉·苏图洛娃 Olga Sutulova 饰)的帮助与庇护。两人坚守在冰天雪地的战火之中,与饱受饥饿折磨的苏联军民一起,为生存而战。
简介:The tragic and controversial story of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in Texas for killing his three children after scientific evidence and expert testimony that bolstered his claims of innocence were suppressed.
简介:An Englishman with a grudge against an insurance company for a disallowed claim fakes his own death, but is soon pursued by an insurance investigator.
简介:A young lady, who recently lost her mother, faces the challenges of high school and her very strict step-father. Through personal growth, and an amazing dedication to dance, she learns to find the peace and happiness of family.