简介:Cette histoire sordide d'un flic de Chicago empêtré dans le vice est racontée par la ville elle-même (s'appuyant sur le fameux poème de Carl Sandburg !) durant 24 heures bien remplies. Remerciements à Martin Scorsese pour la copie.
简介:故事发生在遥远的26世纪,外科医生依德(克里斯托弗·瓦尔兹 Christoph Waltz 饰)在垃圾场里捡到了只剩下头部的机械少女将她带回家中,给她装上了本来为自己已故的女儿所准备的义体,并取名阿丽塔(罗莎·萨拉扎尔 Rosa Salazar 饰)。苏醒后的阿丽塔对这个五彩斑斓但却暴力而又残酷的世界产生了浓厚的兴趣,在结识了青年雨果(基恩·约翰逊 Keean Johnson 饰)后,阿丽塔开始接触名为机动球的运动,并在比赛中展现出了惊人的格斗天赋。 在废铁城居民们的头顶,漂浮着巨大的浮空城市撒冷,废铁城居民们的一切劳作和付出,都是为了给撒冷提供继续运作的燃料。在大财阀维克特(马赫沙拉·阿里 Mahershala Ali 饰)所设立的机动球比赛中,最终获得冠军的人能够获得前往撒冷生活的资格,阿丽塔决定利用自己的格斗天赋参加比赛,却被卷入了一个巨大的阴谋之中。
简介:电影聚焦于导致清除计划发生的原因,讲述了由于人口膨胀,社会问题加剧,一个名为New Founding Fathers of America的组织进行了一种社会学理论测试,即在某一孤立的社区进行为时一晚的发泄、攻击、侵略,促成社区人们之间的相互残杀。这一制度在全美推广,一时间马路街道都成为了杀戮的战场。故事的荒谬性吸引了大量观众,第一年的杀戮日就要降临,恶魔们都已经准备好了。
简介:A down-on-his-luck farmer makes a deal with the devil for seven years of prosperity. When Mr. Scratch comes to collect, orator and hero of the common man Daniel Webster comes to the rescue. Based on the short story by Stephen Vincent Benet. Also known as All That Money Can Buy.
简介:劉別謙初嚐美高梅大製作的派頭,一切筆法更神采飛揚。開敞的場景、空前的排場讓人物裏裏外外恣意張開:寡婦的心更顯孤獨,男女的愛更加沒處安放。坐擁小國大部分財富的寡婦忽然要搬到巴黎重新尋找生活色彩,國王唯恐國祚不保來一招美男計,派出風流種子色誘寡婦。本來一個用情一個求性,幾番邂逅與折騰,改寫了男男女女的基本需要。歌與舞沒有賣弄甜膩,反而放在愛情的沉重中換來了歌頌。歌與影無間交流,劉別謙輕歌劇巔峰之作,亦成了荷里活極有代表性的一章。司花利亞與珍娜.麥當奴最後一次合作,後者散發從未有過的成熟韻味。堪稱最性感的音樂劇。 Rated the sexiest musical in the thirties, The Merry Widow could well be the sexiest musical ever. Jeannette MacDonald, sensual and majestic as a Persian cat, is the wealthiest widow in the kingdom of Marschovia. On a visit to Paris, she attracts a flurry of gold-diggers. To prevent her fortune from passing to foreign hands, the king sends a romantic envoy to court her. He chooses Captain Donilo, whose cavalier attitude to women is not limited to his rapport with Maxim's girls, girls, girls. Osé but not blasé, this elegant adaptation of Franz Lehar's operetta out-classed von Stroheim's silent in opulence, culminating in the grandest of grand balls. Source 28th HKIFF
简介:Buster Keaton and Virginia Fox play young lovers who live in tenements, the rear of which face each other, with backyards separated by a wooden fence. Their families feud over the lovers' relationship, resulting in much mayhem and slapstick. The Romeo and Juliet story played out in a tenement neighborhood with Buster and Virginia's families hating each other over the fence separating their buildings.