简介:一对热血虔诚的爱尔兰裔兄弟,因自卫杀人而得罪黑帮,警署以正当防卫之名无罪释放。从此之后,二人决定以己之力对抗社会渣滓,购买武器以暴制暴,在朋友洛克(大卫·德拉·洛克David Della Rocco 饰)的帮助下清除犯罪分子。联邦警探保罗·斯迈克(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)负责侦破案件,本来毫无头绪;但 在黑帮头子“老爸乔”(卡洛·罗塔 Carlo Rota 饰)雇佣了传奇枪手“公爵”(比利·康诺利 Billy Connolly 饰)对抗麦克马纳斯兄弟之后,情况却发生了意想不到的变化……
简介:Having witnessed his junkie father killed Russell Stevens grows up to become a policeman and make a difference. When he is offered an undercover job by Gerald Carver he accepts and begins to build a relationship with David Jason in order to get to the main dealers. However as he is forced to deal drugs and kill to keep his cover he finds the lines between cop and criminal being lost – is he a cop pretending to be a dealer or a dealer pretending to be a cop Larry (as he was then) Fishburne's first lead role was a typically dark vehicle. The story is the usual one of cop losing himself when undercover, however it manages to be more than that for most of the time. Co-written by Tolkin, who wrote The Player, this naturally has a nice cynical edge to it when it looks at the US's hypocritical approach to drug control and the political links between the street hustlers and the political high rollers who court respectability. The story does eventually settle into a traditional setting but even then it works well as a thriller. The multi-talented Bill Duke directs well with a gritty feel and a few nice touches. However several things are a bit iffy. For most of the film Fishburne's narrationvoice over is a bit like a cross between Apocalypse Now and Blade Runner – it comes across as a little too dark and heavy and also explains things like we can't figure it out ourselves. However once you get into the film it's not as big a deal. My main problem lies with the characters. Fishburne is excellent, a real model of underlying anger and violence, Goldblum is good but perhaps a little OTT on the yuppieviolence thing, but there's good support from Smith and Spin City's beautiful (and often underused – but not here) Victoria Dillard. However the two main white characters (Goldblum and Smith) are both smeared with racist insinuations – Smith appears to insult his black officers and doesn't care about the junkies, while Goldblum is fascinated about all things black and talks about them as wild beautiful beasts and loves having sex with black'. These things aren't a major problem, but with basically only two white characters in it, it's a little worrying that both are given that edge. However these are minor complaints that get lost with a good thriller. Fishburne excels and Duke delivers a story that is a good thriller but also has a jaded, subversive edge.
简介:A romantic adventure with an intriguing blend of modern and classic touches, THE RENDEZVOUS throws together RACHEL, a Jewish-American doctor and JAKE, an Arab-American government bureaucrat, who are trying to solve the mysterious death of Rachel's treasure hunting brother. Racing around the world, they find themselves being hunted by a doomsday group calling themselves the Armageddonites who believe Rachel and Jake possess an ancient script discovered by Rachel's brother that could bring about the end of days. Caught in the middle of a plot to hasten the end of mankind, Rachel and Jake need to solve a murder, save the world and discover for themselves that treasure is where you find it.
简介:Traumatised by the death of an innocent. Killer for hire Bradley drops out of society, seeking meaning roaming the dangerous streets of a tough inner city ghetto. When he encounters a savage pimp and a desperate woman under his control Bradley finds the means to give battle to the inner demons that have eluded him. He embarks on a quest to save a young girl from the clutches of the brutal gangsters that trade human beings as currency. Drawn deeper into a sickening world in which age is no bar to exploitation and pursued by police, gangland villains and a mysterious agency known only as The Executive. Bradley discovers an ever deepening web of corruption and vice, and a dangerous game in which nothing is what it seems and no one can be trusted.
简介:故事发生在遥远的1500年前,沃提根(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)背叛了自己的哥哥尤瑟王(艾瑞克·巴纳 Eric Bana 饰),导致了人类和巫师之间维系了百年的平衡被打破。幸运的是,尤瑟王唯一的后裔逃过了一劫,这令他的血脉并不至于就此断绝。 一晃眼15年过去,小小的婴儿被取名为亚瑟(查理·汉纳姆 Charlie Hunnam 饰),成长在社会的最底层,并且对自己的身世一无所知。沃提根杀死了哥哥之后独揽大权,施展自己的铁腕统治手段,一时间民不聊生。一次偶然中,亚瑟拔出了一把深深插进了巨石中的宝剑,在传说中,这把剑只有拥有王室血统的人才能够举起。这一消息很快就传到了沃提根的耳中,亚瑟遭到了逮捕。
简介:这是一部典型的美国英雄主义电影。香港回归前夕,国际恐怖组织和香港的造假巨头准备抢在回归前完成一项走私活动――将一批香港生产的内藏微型炸弹的假冒名牌V6牛仔裤偷运到美国。幸好美国中情局及早察觉了恐怖分子的计划,于是先后派出了特工哈利(保罗•索尔维诺 Paul Sorvino 饰)、汤米(罗伯•施奈德 Rob Schneider 饰)和凯伦(莱拉•罗尚 Lela Rochon 饰)前往香港调查。 不料道高一尺魔高一丈,中情局的特工来到香港后先后和局里失去联系身陷囫囵。中情局无奈之下,只好请香港警方出面帮忙调查。香港警方在v6牛仔裤香港供货商马库斯(尚格•云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰)的帮助下,展开了一场惊心动魄的反恐行动。