简介:Police baffled by the FACELESS KILLER! A faceless dummy of a serial killer haunts a police department in this atmospheric noir thriller from Fleischer. The dummy is created to represent an elusive strangler who calls himself 'The Judge' and whom the frustrated detective Harry Grant attempts to reconstruct from a handful of clues, such as body size and suit fabric. Sure enough, as the dummy becomes more real, reason and sound judgement encounter the uncanny.
简介:Middle-aged banker Arthur Hamilton is given the opportunity to start a completely new life when he receives calls from his old friend Charlie. The only problem is that Charlie is supposed to be dead. Hamilton is eventually introduced to a firm that will fake his death and create an entirely new look and life for him. After undergoing physical reconstruction surgery and months of training and psychotherapy, Hamilton returns to the world in the form of artist Tony Wilson. He has a nice house in Malibu and a manservant, a company employee who is there to assist him with his adjustment. He finds that the life he had hoped for isn't quite what he expected and asks the company to go through the process with surprising results. Written by garykmcd
简介:故事发生在1968年,一场意外中,泰勒(查尔登·海斯顿 Charlton Heston 饰)和诺娃(琳达·哈里逊 Linda Harrison 饰)的飞船穿越到了两千年后的时间线中,他们来到了一个被人猿统治的星球上,直到两人在沙滩上发现了自由女神像的残骸之后他们才恍然大悟,原来这里并不是什么外星球,而是人类唯一的家园——地球。地面上突然出现的巨大裂痕让泰勒和诺娃调入了庞大繁杂的地底世界之中,他们要面对的,是猿族首领佐斯博士(莫里斯·埃文斯 Maurice Evans 饰)的无情追杀。 1970年,为了拯救泰勒一行人,救援飞船来到了地球,哪知道也穿越了时空,布伦特(詹姆斯·弗朗西斯 James Franciscus 饰)是飞船上唯一的幸存者,并且最终幸运的和诺娃成功会师。两人于无意之中得知了猿组要从地球上铲除所有人类的计划。
简介:在传说中英雄辈出的年代,彪悍的西米里族英雄柯南(阿诺德·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)为了让心爱的瓦莱里亚复活,只得接受了异族女王塔拉米斯的要求,陪伴女王的侄女珍娜取得魔法钥匙“邪恶之心”。珍娜是远古卷轴上记载的天选之人,只有她才能得到钥匙,开启传说中的宝藏,而塔拉米斯的计划是利用柯南保护珍娜,在成功后把他们全部杀死,塔拉米斯派出侍卫长邦伯塔与柯南同行并暗中监视。柯南一行在路上救下了东方巫师和黑人女战士,加上盗贼好友,七人抵达了藏着邪恶之心的湖中城堡,城中的巫师施法将珍娜夺走,柯南等人力战终于救出珍娜,而这仅仅是冒险之旅的开端……
简介:十四岁女孩玛蒂·罗斯(金·达比 Kim Darby 饰)的父亲被流浪汉汤姆·钱尼(杰夫·科里 Jeff Corey 饰)所杀,假小子罗斯发誓要为父报仇。然而狡猾的钱尼已藏身印第安人部落。嗜酒如命的独眼法警鲁本·科格本(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)是西部远近闻名 的法警之一,罗斯慕名找到他,雇佣鲁本前往追杀凶手钱尼。与此同时,来自德克萨斯州的年轻人贝夫(格伦·坎贝尔 Glen Campbell 饰)也在追捕钱尼落案。鲁本被德克萨斯政府高额的悬赏所吸引,也希望借贝夫的力量一举歼灭强盗派普(罗伯特·杜瓦尔 Robert Duvall 饰)一伙。鲁本和贝夫商量甩掉碍手碍脚的罗斯,然而倔强的罗斯一路追随他们。经过一番激烈的争斗,机智勇敢的鲁本警长单枪匹马勇斗匪徒,押解着四名逃犯凯旋而归。