简介:A life affirming family dramedy that takes place in a small town in the heart of the country. Dustin Hoffman plays BILL, a larger-than-life Father to SAM (Jake Hoffman) who has returned home to take care of Bill and his ailing health. While home, Sam falls for a local woman, KATE (Fisk). At the same time, Bill starts to fall for her mom, TINA (Spacek). The course of true love never runs smooth, and these four will be forced to confront their pasts while trying to make new love work in their lives.
简介:故事发生在风景宜人的橘子郡,朋友的意外身亡让原本热爱冲浪的肖恩(科林·汉克斯 Colin Hanks 饰)大为震惊,因为在此之前,他的世界中从来不曾出现过这样真实而又痛苦的事情。一次偶然中,肖恩在沙地里挖出了作家马库斯(凯文·克莱恩 Kevin Kline 饰)的小说《整齐的夹克》,这本小说彻底改变了肖恩,他决定放弃冲浪转而成为一名作家。 在完成了自己的第一本小说的同时,肖恩凭借着智慧和努力获得了极好的考试成绩,他将小说寄给了马库斯,将申请材料寄往了马库斯所在的斯坦福大学。没想到,一切的努力换来的却是拒绝的回音,原来,学校将错将一名差生的成绩单当做肖恩的成绩单寄给了斯坦福。在仅剩的24小时内,肖恩必须尽自己的一切努力来纠正这个致命的错误。