简介:二战期间,德军的战俘营里,每个人都在渴望着自由。美国人希尔(史蒂夫?麦奎因 Steve McQueen 饰)在进入战俘营的第一天起,就一直计划着越狱。虽然他的十多次逃跑都以失败告终,但希尔从未放弃。这次,希尔和英国军官罗杰计划秘密挖掘隧道带领250人一起越狱。所有人都贡献出了自己的一分力配合这次计划,有人专门负责制作大家逃跑后需要穿着的平民服装、有人负责做假证件、还有人负责储备食品等等。然而就在他们的隧道大功告成那天,隧道却被德军发现了。逃跑计划的日期一天天临近,希尔他们又开始新一轮的挖掘工作。
简介:In the spring of 1944 an RAF Mosquito Squadron are ordered to attack a German rocket fuel plant in Norway. The mission involves flying up a heavily defended fjord and bombing a cliff overhang in an attempt to bury the factory, which is built into the rock.
I bought this on DVD in a '3 for £20' offer, as I had fond memories of it from childhood, and it had been around 20 years s...