简介:凡妮莎·威廉斯加盟《这个男人来自地球:全新纪》(The Man From Earth Holocene,暂译)。该片是2007年科幻片《这个男人来自地球》的续集。首部主演大卫·李·史密斯、威廉姆·卡特回归。首部中,看似平常的历史系教授约翰实际是史前石器时代的穴居人!首部导演理查德·沙因克曼回归执导续集。
简介:功夫片传奇影星李小龙的生平故事即将被好莱坞搬上大银幕,这部影片叫做《龙之诞生》(Birth of the Dragon),由QED国际和Groundswell制片公司联合制作,影片不仅是李小龙生平传记,也会是一部功夫动作片。故事将集中在李小龙较少人谈及的一面,包括1965年在旧金山他与另一武林高手黄泽民的闭门决斗。
简介:上世纪60年代,在密西西比州,黑佣艾比里恩(维奥拉•戴维斯 Viola Davis 饰)勤勤恳恳照顾女主人的女儿,后者因产后抑郁症只顾与闺蜜贪欢。密西西比大学毕业生斯基特(艾玛•斯通 Emma Stone 饰)在报社负责家庭主妇信箱,并由此开始黑佣的生存状态。其中,希利(布莱丝•达拉斯•霍华德 Bryce Dallas Howard 饰)无疑是反面教材,她态度傲慢,对黑佣米妮(奥克塔维亚•斯宾瑟 Octavia Spencer 饰)抱有偏见,并力主黑佣不能与主人共用厕所。最终因不堪受辱,米妮愤然离去,并以牙还牙,假借道歉之机让她蒙羞。斯基特开始采访艾比里恩和米妮,希望了解黑佣的生存状态,并为自己的新书积累素材。与此同时,马丁路德金领导的平权运动正在如火如荼地开展,而斯基特所在的密西西比州正是斗争的前沿,因为黑人遭射杀的血案,种族隔离开始,一场肤色之争在所难免……
简介:Jina is the top employee at a credit card company call center. She avoids building close relationships, choosing instead to live and work alone. One day, her irritating next-door neighbor who would attempt to talk with her is discovered dead, several days after having died alone in his apartment. Jina is shaken and turns on the home camera installed at her mother’s house a long time ago.
简介:Loosely based on Kathryn Forbes' book -Mama's Bank Account-, this film actually contains richer detail and more intricate character- izations. In turn-of-the-century San Francisco, young Katrina Hansen chronicles episodes of life with her extended family, who combine traditional Norwegian values with modern American ways. So successful that it became a popular radio show, and then a TV sitcom, both with Barbara BelGeddes and Irene Dunne from the film.