简介:Carter (Thomas Jane), a troubled veteran who gets a chance at redemption by protecting a 12 year-old girl from an assassin after she witnesses a murder. Holding a shotgun with a single shell, he engages in physical and psychological warfare in a desperate fight for the girl's life.
简介:尼古拉斯·凯奇将出演[与魔随行](Running With the Devil,暂译),影片卡司还包括劳伦斯·菲什伯恩、莱丝莉·比伯、巴里·佩珀、亚当·戈德堡、小克利夫顿·克林斯、科尔·豪瑟、彼得·费辛利。贾森·坎贝尔自编自导。影片围绕贩毒团伙从美国往加拿大运输可卡因的故事展开。巴里·佩珀扮演贩毒头目,凯奇饰演头目信任的人,菲什伯恩饰演一个贩毒者。影片本周将在墨西哥展开拍摄。
简介:遥远的宇宙深处,随着氪星的毁灭,超人的传奇故事拉开序幕。氪星人乔·艾尔(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)抵死反抗佐德将军(迈克尔·珊农 Michael Shannon 饰)的邪恶计划,冒险将刚出生不久的儿子卡尔·艾尔被送到银河系另一边的地球。卡尔降落在美国堪萨斯一座小镇,他幸运地成为乔纳森·肯特(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)和玛莎(黛安·莲恩 Diane Lane 饰)的养子,并且得名克拉克。克拉克从小显露出与众不同的能力与特征,但这些带给他惊讶的同时还有数不清的烦恼。通过养父的引导,克拉克(亨利·卡维尔 Henry Cavill 饰)慢慢弄清自己的身世以及所肩负的使命。终于有一天,遥远的故乡“同胞”莅临。 站在故乡与地球、邪恶与正义的两端,超人即将面临重大的抉择……
简介:吉姆(克里斯·普拉特 Chris Pratt 饰)是阿瓦隆号飞船上的一位工薪阶层旅客,在飞船前往太空殖民地家园2号的120年旅途中,因一次意外,他从冷冻睡眠中醒来。发现自己有可能要在这艘巨船上独自度过89年,吉姆试着重新入睡,但最终只能在安置了5000个同行人员的睡眠舱中孤独生活,处于自杀边缘的吉姆绝望中孤注一掷,于是,他唤醒了一名女乘客奥罗拉(詹妮弗·劳伦斯 Jennifer Lawrence 饰),两人在相处的期间产生了爱情的火花。而当飞船的操作系统瘫痪,这对情侣面临着更大的问题,生命受到威胁的不仅仅是他们自己,也包括同行的旅伴,和航行本身。
简介:八十年代,苏联国内的毒枭从美国大量进口毒品,上尉德戈(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)奉命捉拿乔治亚毒贩集团,然而在围捕行动中,德戈战友身亡,毒贩头目逃脱出国。不久,在美国芝加哥,苏联毒贩维特落网,美苏两国达成协议,德戈由莫斯科赴美押送维特回国,美国方面派出警探雷塞克(詹姆斯·贝鲁什 James Belushi 饰)担任其助手和翻译。不料维特再次在同伙的配合下成功逃脱,德戈至此不得不向美国方面吐露了维特的真实身份,并与雷塞克合力追踪维特。苏美两国的差异在德戈和雷塞克身上不时体现,然而两员悍将很快弥合差异,精诚合作追索毒枭……
简介:在第一集解决了“毁灭钢眼博士”后,“神奇四侠”已经逐渐适应了新的身份,队员们的生活亦过得有滋有味 。里德(尤安·格瑞福德 Ioan Gruffudd 饰)和苏珊(杰西卡·阿尔芭 Jessica Alba 饰)终于步入教堂,然而,正当婚礼进行到一半时,突然狂风大作,一道银 色闪电在天空闪过。 里德忙叫“霹雳火”(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)追上去看过究竟,熟料“霹雳火”完全不是对方对手,里德的担忧变成了现实:新的敌人出现了――“银影侠”(道格·琼斯 Doug Jones 饰)! 世界各地开始灾难不断。通过调查,苏珊发现“银影侠”只不过受“行星吞食者”盖拉克图斯所迫,帮其在宇宙寻找可供其吞食的星球,今次的目标正是――地球!“神奇四侠”又出动了,这次能否帮助可怜的“银影侠”、成功挽救地球?
简介:Having witnessed his junkie father killed Russell Stevens grows up to become a policeman and make a difference. When he is offered an undercover job by Gerald Carver he accepts and begins to build a relationship with David Jason in order to get to the main dealers. However as he is forced to deal drugs and kill to keep his cover he finds the lines between cop and criminal being lost – is he a cop pretending to be a dealer or a dealer pretending to be a cop Larry (as he was then) Fishburne's first lead role was a typically dark vehicle. The story is the usual one of cop losing himself when undercover, however it manages to be more than that for most of the time. Co-written by Tolkin, who wrote The Player, this naturally has a nice cynical edge to it when it looks at the US's hypocritical approach to drug control and the political links between the street hustlers and the political high rollers who court respectability. The story does eventually settle into a traditional setting but even then it works well as a thriller. The multi-talented Bill Duke directs well with a gritty feel and a few nice touches. However several things are a bit iffy. For most of the film Fishburne's narrationvoice over is a bit like a cross between Apocalypse Now and Blade Runner – it comes across as a little too dark and heavy and also explains things like we can't figure it out ourselves. However once you get into the film it's not as big a deal. My main problem lies with the characters. Fishburne is excellent, a real model of underlying anger and violence, Goldblum is good but perhaps a little OTT on the yuppieviolence thing, but there's good support from Smith and Spin City's beautiful (and often underused – but not here) Victoria Dillard. However the two main white characters (Goldblum and Smith) are both smeared with racist insinuations – Smith appears to insult his black officers and doesn't care about the junkies, while Goldblum is fascinated about all things black and talks about them as wild beautiful beasts and loves having sex with black'. These things aren't a major problem, but with basically only two white characters in it, it's a little worrying that both are given that edge. However these are minor complaints that get lost with a good thriller. Fishburne excels and Duke delivers a story that is a good thriller but also has a jaded, subversive edge.