简介:The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endless flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sleep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airpor...
简介:A nostalgic journey through '80s Sc-Fi films, exploring their impact and relevance today, told by the artists who made them and by those who were inspired to turn their visions into reality.
简介:刚刚结束牢狱之灾的纳尔逊•曼德拉(摩根•弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰),竞选南非总统成功。他领导人们破除种族隔离制度,并身先士卒,雇佣白人护卫队,在各方面建立不同肤色的沟通。作为1995年橄榄球世界杯的东道主,南非重回国际体育大家庭。不过,南非的英式橄榄球队——队员均为白人的跳羚队,却被很多黑人看做种族歧视的代名词。为了破除隔膜,曼德拉高瞻远瞩,支持跳羚队与国外来访球队的交流比赛。他接见了跳羚队队长皮耶那(马特•达蒙 Matt Damon 饰),两人进行了推心置腹的交谈。后者带领着白人球员走访了南非各地,把橄榄球运动普及给普通民众,让这项运动成为了黑白联合的纽带…… 本片根据约翰•卡林的作品《与敌人战斗:纳尔逊曼德拉和一场改变国家的比赛》(Playing the Enemy:Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation)改编
简介:1947年,法国康复监狱。在押犯克劳德(马克·米歇尔 Marc Michel饰)刚搬入11号牢房时,受到其他四位狱友的排挤,谨慎小心的马努(菲利普·雷罗伊 Philippe Leroy饰)、狡猾奸诈的罗蓝德(吉恩·克劳迪 Jean Keraudy饰)、凶悍强壮的吉奥(迈克尔·康斯坦丁 Michel Constantin饰)和心机深重的“阁下”(雷蒙德·缪涅尔 Raymond Meunier饰)。很快,彬彬有礼的克劳德获得了四人的认可与接纳,并让他加入到正在精心谋划的一场惊心动魄的越狱行动中。五人准备掘地三尺挖个地洞逃出去,然而此时克劳德却得到了获得自由的好消息。